English Presentations week#3
Youtube Presentation here 10/10/21
The Grace of God (cont.)

Short exercise,
Ephesians 2 : 8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
The question,
By grace are ye saved
In order for me to be saved i must have grace, correct!
But to have grace, i must have faith!
Which one first, grace or faith? FAITH
Means, I can now read as follows,
In order for me to be saved i must first have faith! Agree?
Next question, how do I receive faith? Hearing the word of God!
I am saved by grace which I receive by hearing and believing in the Word of God,
How do we continue to have faith? by continue to hear and believe in the Word of God!
By continuing to use the grace, and of course at the same time need to hear and believe
the Word of God!
Which one comes first, grace or faith? Faith!
When do you receive grace? as soon as i have faith, I believe what I hear!
When Peter heard the word "come"; he believed and that same word that
he heard has the power to enable him to obey!
Psalms 33 : 6, 9

The moment we believe the Word of God, that very moment that power is available! The word you hear is in deed the power; the word is always able but I may reject the word, and by rejecting it doesn't mean the word is not believe, I just don't benefit from it!
Examples of Faith & Grace,
Luke 18 : 26-27, And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved? And he said,
The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
How do I enlarge my faith? hear more...open your heart, the Lord will be impressed in
my mind and nothing is impossible to those who believe!
One more text, Luke 5 : 12
And it came to pass, when he was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy:
who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord,
if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
I know you are able to make me clean said that leprous man, wilt thou make me clean? Jesus said he will, and he was made clean!

Next time, how to be cleansed?
To contemplate Matthew 1 : 21,
To save you from sin;
are you saved when you are still in sin?
so the power of God is able to remove me from
sin; this is to be saved FROM sin!
you are SAVED from sin when you have
stopped sinning; we'll talk about this in the AM worship!